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My story begins here…

At a rapidly growing startup where I traveled to Asia Pacific as a young executive with a newly minted MBA, I experienced the exhilaration of the entrepreneurial world. There, I also attended my very first yoga class.

The yoga world and startup world meshed. And along the way, I had children, and lived the ‘perfect life’ on the outside.

However, I experienced a big life event - the big D! I wanted to leave a long term marriage with children in tow, for the sake of saving my mental and physical health. I was miserably unhappy, losing my hair, and shuttling my kids around to the activities, looking aimlessly for my next career.

I went on a deep dive in finding myself to get my self confidence back.

I learned from teachers and coaches from Tony Robbins and Landmark Forum in the beginning, and today with Ken Honda, Vishen Lakiani and Danny Morel.

It was similar to the moment in ‘Eat Pray Love’, but instead of laying on the bathroom floor, I was in the car in my garage, in my suburban house, feeling so lost and defeated, crying for help.

My company is a way for me to give back, and to be of service for those who are crying for help. A portion of the sales goes towards helping families.

At, you will find life coaching to guide you during life events and relationship transitions. It’s a holistic approach of East meets West: Eastern teachings of mindfulness, yoga, mindset, and Western skillset development. To get you through to the other side in less time, thriving not just surviving!

What’s the next chapter of your life? YOU with a healthier lifestyle, losing weight, getting fit; more love in your life; and a renewed confidence and security in your finances.

I offer a Complimentary Life Coaching Session where we can meet with each other in a relaxed non-judgmental manner.

I offer plenty of free content on Instagram (@rachelle.rafer), as well as on other social media platforms as Twitter and LinkedIn.

The biggest perk of working with me as your Life Coach and Guide is that I am easily accessible. I am just a text, phone call, FaceTime, WhatsApp, Zoom away. This is in contrast to working with other therapists and coaches, where you need to make an appointment weeks in advance.

I am here for you in that moment of self doubt, crises, panic, where you don’t have a week to wait for that appointment.

I offer a Concierge Level of Service, to support you in all matters. Because as a Mom, I know life is busy and hectic.

Living a life of more ease and peace of mind is the goal. With me guiding you, I will coach you there, and be that non-judging sounding board, a resource to assist you in getting things done. With my business experience and MBA, we can work together on a game plan and strategy so that you are secure in your career or business.